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Naomi and Tarot

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My first Tarot lesson

My knowledge of Tarot was sparked by my love of Astrology as my first Astrology teacher, June Baker-Howard, also read Tarot cards. (At the time June was writing the Astrology column for the Sun newspaper. She's now the Tarot expert for Chat magazine.) I'd started attending June's evening classes at the secondary school close to my home. At one of her lessons she asked members of the class if anyone was interested in joining a one day Tarot workshop which she was holding in her home. I and several of my classmates jumped at the chance.

June had told us not to worry about buying cards as she had some for sale. The workshop was a revelation. Even though June gave us an instruction book which she had written I also made copious notes of my own. I left her home clutching my cards and notes, vowing to do readings for as many people as possible.

Practice, Practice and then more Practice.

Wherever I went I took my cards and the notes I had written. (I found them more useful than those I had been given as everyone's mind works differently and I had written down the things I found to be the best memory joggers.)

When going to the pub to meet my friends for a drink I took my cards and notes. If I was the first to arrive, I would ask people nearby if they wanted a Tarot reading. The answer invariably was "Yes please." At a friend's birthday bash at a wine bar I offered her other friends free Tarot readings. On a visit to the local with my daughter I took my cards out and gave her a Tarot reading. And on all of these occasions and many more similar ones, not only other friends but also strangers would come over and ask if I would give them a reading too. Most of these offered to buy me a drink as a thank-you, so my nights out proved not only to improve my knowledge of reading Tarot cards, but also were very economical.

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