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Naomi and Astrology

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Astrology is one of my love subjects. I first started learning about it nearly 40 years ago and haven't stopped since! I learn a bit more from every chart I work on and that's one of the things I love about this subject. There is always more to learn.

I always felt that Astrology worked, but often had my belief poo poo'd. One work colleague in particular used to ridicule everything I said about it. I remember saying to him "I hope I meet you after I've studied it because then I'll know how to reply to you." Now I have studied it, my answer would simply be: "Have you studied it?" Once anyone learns about Astrology they cannot help but be convinced that it works. Recently I realised that I'd said WHEN I've studied it, not IF I study it. Obviously my subconscious must have known that I would eventually learn more about Astrology.

My first attempt at learning was to enrol on a correspondence course with the Faculty of Astrological Studies. I started this at the wrong time as the problems in my personal life overtook everything else. It wasn't until I moved to Berkhamsted in 1982 and heard of evening classes close to my new home, that I was able to start learning properly.

My first teacher was June Baker-Howard, who at that time wrote the horoscopes for The Sun newspaper. June gave me excellent groundwork and became a good friend into the bargain. (I haven't seen her for some time now, so if anyone knows her whereabouts, please ask her to get in touch with me.) One of the most significant things I remember June saying was in reply to a question from one of my fellow students who asked "Which are the good signs and which are the bad ones?" June's reply was, "There are 12 good ones and 12 bad ones." In other words, we all have the potential to be good or bad. It's up to us.

When June stopped teaching I was fortunate enough to find another excellent teacher in Derek Appleby, who sadly passed away some years ago. Derek's method of teaching was very different to June's and I so enjoyed his classes that all the Astrology courses I run are based on methods adapted from my early lessons with him.

Most people are interested to know more about themselves and Astrology does just that. So if you want to have your chart done, or if you want to give someone a unique gift (no two charts can possible be the same so it really would be a completely unique present) I really enjoy working with people to help them discover more about themsleves, so would love to calculate the chart you want and do the interpretation for you.

Sadly at present I can no longer run the in-person occasional workshops to teach others more about this fascinating science - and it's so complicated that it really is a science. So training can now be done remotely using Zoom which also gives the option of recording both the audio and video of the course. If you want to join one, please look on the Current Courses page for details. Dates are by arrangement so please get in touch. These courses can be one-to-one or you can join a group course. If you've got three or more friends who also want to learn, if you arrange the group, you only pay half price for your tuition.

I look forward to hearing from you.









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